Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I read a blog this morning on Facebook about a No Spend November challenge and it really intrigued me.

I am an entrepreneur who is passionate about financial discipline and teaching and empowering others to do the same. Although I love writing, up until this point I haven't written about anything financial. This is all new and exciting for me!

The purpose of this blog is simple.

I will share some tips and tricks that I have used to help me get financially disciplined and stay on that path. From there let's create some great conversation about what's working for each of you. Don't forget to share your frustrations and challenges along the way too! We will all have our days!

Before we start, lets get one thing straight. I still have A LOT of work to do in this area. We live in a society where everything is available at our finger tips and it's easy to access stuff that we don't even need.

I already going into this freaking out about a few things!!

Coffee...enough said. I love it and I spend a lot of money on it. I can make excuses all day long about why I need to buy coffee. I do admittedly meet a lot of clients at Starbucks and Tim Hortons but that doesn't mean I need to buy the fancy coffee. Tea or even water would work just fine! Here is my commitment on for the month. I'm buying a $50 Tim's card and that will be it. Tim Horton's is cheaper so I'm pretty much trying to drink more for the same about of money spent.

I got a great comment from someone today asking if wine and chips counted!! I am on some medication right now that prevents from drinking or this would be one of my major concerns! It doesn't take much for that expense to be a lot each month.

The list could go on and on for each one of us and all of our lists will be different.

In order start this off on a simple and positive note, let's each share three commitments that we are willing to make. Here goes mine!!

1. I will only spend $50 on coffee. Yikes!!!
2. I will track my daily spending in a notebook to be more conscious of where my money is going.
3. I will commit to meal planning (and snacks) so I am not tempted to spend unnecessary money.

I will also commit to honestly sharing where I am at with my struggles. You will all know when I want to spend my money and don't AND when I mess up and do waste it.

What are your committments?!?! Put them in the comments below. I am excited to have you share!

I really love this quote! Don't ask me why it's George Clooney. I have no idea but I'm not complaining. This quote will guide me this month.

If you have chosen to take this journey of No Spend November, you are going against the crowd. It takes risks sometimes to move yourself forward in life. Taking an honest look at where you are at financially and where you want to go is a risk. It's a risk with a huge reward and I am excited to walk with you on that journey.

Time to zip up those wallets, be conscious about where our money is going and be thankful that November only has 30 days and not 31!!